
I felt hemmed in by Beijing. Too many people, no space to think. I was craving the peace I always feel at the ocean. Asked around and found the nearest beach was two hours away by train. Away I went. 

This beach is called Tiger Stone Park because of the huge boulders at the shoreline.

This beach is called Tiger Stone Park because of the huge boulders at the shoreline.

It was chilly but clear. I could see cargo ships on the horizon. 

It was chilly but clear. I could see cargo ships on the horizon. 

I loved these boats. 

I loved these boats. 

I hung out with them  for a while actually lounging on a boulder in this picture. 

I hung out with them  for a while actually lounging on a boulder in this picture. 

This guy wanted a selfie with the laowai (foreigner). I obliged and took one as well. 

This guy wanted a selfie with the laowai (foreigner). I obliged and took one as well. 



Ate most of this all by my lonesome.

Ate most of this all by my lonesome.

Just what I needed. 

Just what I needed.